Friday, December 9, 2011


So, wow...three months since the last blog update. Shame on me! We enjoyed the Fall and now are knee-deep in holiday fun!

Some highlights:
  • Colby would not wear a Halloween costume this year, so we put him in his skeleton PJs. That was a hit. We trick-or-treated around the neighborhood, and he loved the candy this year! So did Mom and Dad!
  • Colby is very good playing the Wii, and his favorite games are Wii Sports Golf and Just Dance Kids 2. He is awesome at the Five Little Monkeys song! Mom and Dad even get in on the action.

  • He enjoyed a road trip to Omaha for Thanksgiving, and got to visit with all of his cousins!
  • Colby even got into decorating the house for the holidays this year. We have stick-on decals on our windows, perfectly arranged by Colby. Originally they were in his room (where Mom wanted them), but he thought they would be better in the front room. He said, "Be right back, Mom!" and got them one by one from his room. It was too cute, so I didn't fight it. He also loves the train we have under our Christmas tree this year. "Train is on the track!"
  • Santa is too scary this year (no good photos), so we went on the Polar Express train ride with friends instead...he was thrilled by the train's arrival.

Here are links to all of our albums. Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Fun with grandparents!

Mama and Dada took their first long vacation since I've arrived. They ran a race from San Francisco to Napa Valley. Take a look at the album, it looks like they had fun!

I enjoyed time with my Grandma & Grandpa, and Mimi and Papa while they were away. I even saw Gigi and Bupa. Mama could tell I had fun because all the candy and juice was gone when they got back. ;-) I am so lucky to have such wonderful grandparents and great-grandparents!

Ragnar Napa Valley 09-11

Thursday, September 8, 2011

1st Day of Preschool

We both survived! Mommy didn't shed a tear, Colby shed a ton, but we got through it!

The drop-off was a breeze, but when Colby realized I wasn't there, he began to cry...for three hours. Needless to say, he napped well when we got home!

No mother wants their kids to be upset, but I have to tell you, my new-found freedom was awesome! I shopped without running through the stores, and I ran 5.5 miles without pushing a jogging stroller! I was loving life, but still missing my guy(s). (Joe, too, he's been in NYC this week). The preschool director said give it two weeks and he will love it...I hope so.

Enjoy his school pics.

1st Day of Preschool

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Colby is 2!

I cannot believe our "baby" is two years old! It seems like just yesterday I was anxiously awaiting his arrival, eating as much spicy food as humanly possible to speed up his arrival...and then waiting an extra week! Colby even had a sense of humor back then! ;-)

Here are some pics of his party, unfortunately he was coming down with a 103 fever so he wasn't at his best. His second birthday was topped off by puking all over a doctor's office the next day. Poor birthday dude.

Colby Turns 2!

Our Thomas Adventure

Right before Colby turned 2 he became obsessed with Thomas. Luckily, the IL Railway Museum was hosting an event called "A Day out with Thomas" and we got to go with Matt, Julie, Josh and Will. It was a great time. Enjoy the pics!

Thomas and the Thompson's

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Dells Trip, July 2011

We had an amazing time with our Villa Park friends at The Great Wolf Lodge in the Wisconsin Dells.

We would love to make it an annual trip!

Wisconsin Dells July 2011

Friday, June 24, 2011


I discovered a few weeks back that Colby likes to eat bubbles. Yes, he will be the kid in school that eats glue! ;-)

Much to my surprise, he was able to blow bubbles without the assistance of a bubble wand after taking a swig of bubble solution. Probably not the best parenting decision, but it was super cute and funny.

I was finally able to capture this moment on video...enjoy!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Easter 2011

Colby really enjoyed the egg hunt and treats this year. We are still going through our chocolate eggs! ;-) We were lucky to have Kevin and Angel in town, too. It was a lot of fun to be with family!

Easter 2011

Missed April, will be better in May

Sorry, gang, for being absent in April with the posts. Here are some cute pics of Spring fun. Hopefully May gives us a chance to be outside a bit more.

Rain, Rain Go Away!

I love playing the Wii with my Dad!

My new Cozy Coupe, probably faster with the wheels on...

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Arizona, Feb/March 2011

We just got back from a week in Arizona, and it was WONDERFUL! We went to baseball games, went on hikes, relaxed, and enjoyed the weather. We are sad to be back in the snowy tundra, but it is good to be home. Enjoy the pics (all 239 of them!)!

Arizona 2011

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Feb 2011 Blizzard

The snow hasn't kept us from having fun! According to Paul Konrad on WGN, we got 23" of snow! Wow!

Enjoy the pics of Colby's first blizzard experience:
Blizzard 2-2011

Monday, January 10, 2011

Happy 2011

Here are some great pictures of our holidays and New Year's celebration (Kevin and Angel's wedding, hurray!).

Hope everyone's 2011 is treating them well so far!

Christmas & New Year's Wedding 2010