Friday, December 9, 2011


So, wow...three months since the last blog update. Shame on me! We enjoyed the Fall and now are knee-deep in holiday fun!

Some highlights:
  • Colby would not wear a Halloween costume this year, so we put him in his skeleton PJs. That was a hit. We trick-or-treated around the neighborhood, and he loved the candy this year! So did Mom and Dad!
  • Colby is very good playing the Wii, and his favorite games are Wii Sports Golf and Just Dance Kids 2. He is awesome at the Five Little Monkeys song! Mom and Dad even get in on the action.

  • He enjoyed a road trip to Omaha for Thanksgiving, and got to visit with all of his cousins!
  • Colby even got into decorating the house for the holidays this year. We have stick-on decals on our windows, perfectly arranged by Colby. Originally they were in his room (where Mom wanted them), but he thought they would be better in the front room. He said, "Be right back, Mom!" and got them one by one from his room. It was too cute, so I didn't fight it. He also loves the train we have under our Christmas tree this year. "Train is on the track!"
  • Santa is too scary this year (no good photos), so we went on the Polar Express train ride with friends instead...he was thrilled by the train's arrival.

Here are links to all of our albums. Enjoy!