Thursday, September 8, 2011

1st Day of Preschool

We both survived! Mommy didn't shed a tear, Colby shed a ton, but we got through it!

The drop-off was a breeze, but when Colby realized I wasn't there, he began to cry...for three hours. Needless to say, he napped well when we got home!

No mother wants their kids to be upset, but I have to tell you, my new-found freedom was awesome! I shopped without running through the stores, and I ran 5.5 miles without pushing a jogging stroller! I was loving life, but still missing my guy(s). (Joe, too, he's been in NYC this week). The preschool director said give it two weeks and he will love it...I hope so.

Enjoy his school pics.

1st Day of Preschool

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